Wild West Exodous
Gamers Lounge Ep. 86 – I thought it was only 1 listener!
by Bill on Mar.14, 2014, under Designers Corner, Interviews, Podcast, Wild West Exodous
Gamers Lounge Ep. 86 – I thought it was only 1 listener!
Episode 86 has two listeners joining me to talk about WWX. Tom and Matt both dial in (separately) on skype to talk about their experience with Wild West Exodus. It’s some great conversation as both come from very different gaming backgrounds (Tom from army scale vs Matt from Skirmish).
Following that we dive into Question 4 of the Developers Corner. The Developers corner is an 8 part series of segments where Bill has picked out a series of questions to pose to game developers. Three game developers participate in this first series, Toby from GCT, Romeo from WWX, and Dave from BHG. In these three developers we have a new but established game (Bushido), a newly launched game (WWX), and a game still in development (No Future). All three game designers talk about how they tackled the specific scenarios presented in their games. Q4 asks how important coming up with an Innovative Mechanic is to game design.
I would like to offer my deepest thanks to Toby, Romeo, and Dave for participating in the Developers Corner.
I hope you enjoy the show!
Content at:
00:00:17 – Intro
00:04:44 – Listener Tom talking WWX
01:11:49 – Listener Matt talking WWX
02:04:38 – Developers Corner (Q4: Innovative Mechanic)
02:25:00 – Outro
Gamers Lounge Ep. 85 – Gripe and Whine
by Bill on Feb.28, 2014, under Designers Corner, Interviews, Podcast, Wild West Exodous
Gamers Lounge Ep. 85 – Gripe and Whine
In Episode 85 I am joined by Jonathan to discuss some of his concerns about Wild West Exodus. Jonathan recently posted to the WWX forums with a thread titles “Griping and Whining” and I wanted to get some more of his views from that thread. Overall I think it’s a great discussion and stays very balanced between concerns and positives in relation to the new game WWX.
Following my talk with Jonathan is Question 3 of the Developers Corner. The Developers corner is an 8 part series of segments where Bill has picked out a series of questions to pose to game developers. Three game developers participate in this first series, Toby from GCT, Romeo from WWX, and Dave from BHG. In these three developers we have a new but established game (Bushido), a newly launched game (WWX), and a game still in development (No Future). All three game designers talk about how they tackled the specific scenarios presented in their games. Q3 covers the balance between the Story/Fluff influences on development and the game rules influence.
I would like to offer my deepest thanks to Toby, Romeo, and Dave for participating in the Developers Corner.
I hope you enjoy the show!
Content at:
00:00:14 – Intro
00:12:44 – Griping and Whining with Jonathan
01:32:00 – Developers Corner (Q3: Story/Fluff v Rules)
01:53:10 – Outro
Gamers Lounge Ep. 84 – The Falcon has Landed
by Bill on Feb.14, 2014, under Designers Corner, Podcast, The Hobby, Wild West Exodous
Gamers Lounge Ep. 84 – The Falcon has Landed
Episode 84 features Peregrine Falcon, friend of the show Adam, joining me to discuss WWX. Adam talks about his experience with his first three games of WWX and his opinions of the rules. He also gives some insight into his Enlightened lists. For over 2 hours we talk about our experiences and compare notes on this new game.
The Developers corner is an 8 part series of segments where Bill has picked out a series of questions to pose to game developers. Three game developers participate in this first series, Toby from GCT, Romeo from WWX, and Dave from BHG. In these three developers we have a new but established game (Bushido), a newly launched game (WWX), and a game still in development (No Future). All three game designers talk about how they tackled the specific scenarios presented in their games.
I would like to offer my deepest thanks to Toby, Romeo, and Dave for participating in the Developers Corner.
I hope you enjoy the show!
Content at:
00:00:14 – Intro
00:01:44 – Adam and Bill talk WWX
02:17:27 – Developers Corner (Q2: Competitive v Organized v Casual play)
02:50:49 – Outro
Gamers Lounge Ep. 83 – Insert Witty Name Here
by Bill on Jan.31, 2014, under Designers Corner, Game Report, Podcast, The Hobby, Wild West Exodous
Gamers Lounge Ep. 83 – Insert Witty Name Here
Episode 83 has arrived dear listener, and on this is launched a new segment for everyone’s pleasure. The podcast opens with a quick intro by Bill, followed by John and Bill discussing their latest WWX experiences. Following that is the Developers Corner, a new and exciting segment for the Gamers Lounge.
The Developers corner is an 8 part series of segments where Bill has picked out a series of questions to pose to game developers. Three game developers participate in this first series, Toby from GCT, Romeo from WWX, and Dave from BHG. In these three developers we have a new but established game (Bushido), a newly launched game (WWX), and a game still in development (No Future). All three game designers talk about how they tackled the specific scenarios presented in their games.
Finally Bill is back, solo, to provide a small outro.
I would like to offer my deepest thanks to Toby, Romeo, and Dave for participating in the Developers Corner.
I hope you enjoy the show!
Content at:
00:00:14 – Intro
00:01:47 – WWX Discussion
00:57:58 – Developers Corner (Question 1 – Board Size)
01:43:13 – Outro
Gamers Lounge Ep. 82 – She has to deal with it!
by Bill on Jan.17, 2014, under Making the Game Fun, Podcast, The Hobby, Wild West Exodous
Gamers Lounge Ep. 82 – She has to deal with it!
Episode 82 is here with the promised discussions of X-Wing, Firefly (the board game), and (non)Gamer Wives. Friend of the show and previous one listener Ben brings along his friend Luke and we all sit down for a conversation. We open up following their introduction to Wild West Exodus and grab their thoughts on the game. Following a break to play a quick game of Star War’s X-Wing, we come back with the promised Ben’s view on X-Wing. That’s followed up with Ben and I discussing getting our wives into games, specifically Ben’s wife Christina who WAS an acclaimed non-gamer.
I hope you enjoy the show. Please feel free to send comments to my email or leave them in the comments on the blog.
Content at:
00:00:16 – Intro & WWX Opinions
00:21:01 – Star Wars X-Wing Discussion
00:58:45 – Ben’s Wife, transition from Non-Gamer to Gamer
01:26:25 – Outro