Gamers Lounge


Gamers Lounge ep. 102 – Deadzone

by on Jan.24, 2015, under Deadzone, Famlily Gaming Segment, Game Report, Games, Podcast

Gamers-Lounge-logo-LG Gamers Lounge ep. 102 – Deadzone

We open episode 102 with a new segment that was mentioned at the end of 2014, The Family Gaming Segment. Bill is joined by Mrs. Gamers Lounge and their daughters to discuss a before and after during one of their game nights. In this segment we open with Zombicide and our current mission.

Following that we return to “Normal” Gamers Lounge with a long review and game report on Deadzone. John, Kevin, and Bill discuss a recent game of Deadzone along with their thoughts on the game and the game factions.


00:00:15 – Opening
00:05:40 – Family Gaming Segment (Zombicide)
00:26:59 – Deadzone – Review and Game Report
01:52:38 – Outro

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