Gamers Lounge


Gamers Lounge Ep 128 – Moonstone the Game

by on Oct.21, 2016, under Announcements & News, Games, Interviews, Moonstone, Podcast

Gamers-Lounge-logo-LGGamers Lounge Ep 128 – Moonstone the Game

Episode 128 has Gamers Lounge returning to the air. This episode focuses on an interview with the creators of Moonstone the Game. Moonstone is a character driven skirmish game currently on Kickstarter. Bill has checked this out and it’s a very cool game overall.

Give this a listen and if you’re interested, check out their Kickstarter.


00:00:14 – Bill’s Intro
00:02:08 – Goblin King Games – Moonstone the Game
01:05:16 – Outro

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