Gamers Lounge


Gamers Lounge Ep 136 – Drowned Earth

by on Apr.24, 2017, under Announcements & News, Games, Interviews, Podcast

Gamers Lounge Ep 136 – Drowned Earth

Bill jumps on the microphone with James of the Drowned Earth Miniature Game kickstarter. Listen to Bill and James explore the Kickstarter experience, and more importantly the game.

Check out the games on kickstarter and their web page:


00:00:14 – Intro
00:03:32 – Drowned Earth

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Gamers Lounge Ep 133 – Dark Souls the Board Game

by on Dec.21, 2016, under Dark Souls boardgame, Games, Interviews, Podcast

Gamers Lounge Ep 133 – Dark Souls the Board Game

Episode 133 is brought to you by two Alex’s. Alex the first joins me for a discussion of our joint trip to Steamcon UK 2016. At Steamcon we had a chance to play in a full-game playthrough of Dark Souls the board game. We discuss that experience and our thoughts on the game.

Alex the Second, Alex Hall of Dark Souls developer fame, joins me for the second half of the episode. We talk about Dark Souls the video game, the inspiration for the board game, and the board game itself. We cover the design, areas we both are excited over, and the kickstarter.


00:08:14 – Bill’s Intro
00:05:45 – Steamcon & Dark Souls boardgame thoughts
01:06:00 – Dark Souls with the Developer
02:31:00 – Outro

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Gamers Lounge Ep 128 – Moonstone the Game

by on Oct.21, 2016, under Announcements & News, Games, Interviews, Moonstone, Podcast

Gamers-Lounge-logo-LGGamers Lounge Ep 128 – Moonstone the Game

Episode 128 has Gamers Lounge returning to the air. This episode focuses on an interview with the creators of Moonstone the Game. Moonstone is a character driven skirmish game currently on Kickstarter. Bill has checked this out and it’s a very cool game overall.

Give this a listen and if you’re interested, check out their Kickstarter.


00:00:14 – Bill’s Intro
00:02:08 – Goblin King Games – Moonstone the Game
01:05:16 – Outro

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Gamers Lounge Ep 126 – Moonstone Firespitter

by on Jun.10, 2016, under Announcements & News, Interviews, Podcast

Gamers-Lounge-logo-LGGamers Lounge Ep 126 – Moonstone Firespitter

Episode 126 has arrived on time but is a little short overall. This is fitting as we’re talking about a short kickstarter for a miniature of short beings!!! We’re talking to Tom of Goblin King Games about his new Goblin Firespitter miniatures which is on kickstarter now.

The kickstarter can be found here:

00:00:14 – Intro
00:03:13 – Kickstarter: Moonstone Firespitter
00:29:10 – Outro

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Gamers Lounge Ep 123 – More Adepticon

by on Apr.11, 2016, under Aetherium, Announcements & News, Community, Frostgrave, Games, Interviews, Mobile Recording, Podcast, The Hobby

Gamers-Lounge-logo-LGGamers Lounge Ep 123 – More Adepticon

Episode 123 is here very shortly following our last episode. We knew you, our listener, felt cheated with no Twitter Questions on the last episode. Just for you we start this episode out with Twitter questions and Loxleys Speed Round!

Following that we jump into the interviews from Adepticon. We talk to Anvil-8 games about Aetherium, House Ikaru, and their upcoming new card game. Sepi from Fight in a Box games about End of the Line and their other games. Joe from Osprey Games, the creator of Frostgrave. Then we finish the interviews with Sam from Games and Gears, talking about brushes, Dark Deeds, and general behind-the-curtain game manufacturing.


00:00:14 – Lounge Talk
00:05:45 – Twitter Questions & Loxleys Speed Round
00:39:01 – Interview – Anvil-8 Games
00:52:19 – Interview – Fight in a Box
01:01:35 – Interview – Osprey
01:13:26 – Interview – Games & Gears
01:29:36 – Outro

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