Gamers Lounge

Gamers Lounge Ep 127 – Kickstarter Threeway

by on Jun.29, 2016, under Podcast, The Hobby

Gamers-Lounge-logo-LGGamers Lounge Ep 127 – Kickstarter Threeway

Episode 127 is releasing a little late but is chock full of good content! We open the show with a lounge talk featuring Spencer, Bill, and long time friend of the show and one time listener Atlanta Mike. We cover a load of games including a litany of board games Atlanta Mike has been introducing his new crew to. We also get some advice on the “flow of games” to use when building up a non-board-gaming group toward Kingdom Death Monster.

Our main segment for the show is talking about Kickstarter. Spencer is not a fan of kickstarter, Atlanta Mike is a moderate fan but has dived into a couple, and Bill “may have a problem” if you believe the other two. We go through the guys reasons for using kickstarter (or not), experiences on kickstarter (good and bad), and overall thoughts.

We also have questions from the Twitter featuring Dr. Loxley’s speed round. Another challenger showed up by Dr. Loxley still brought the speed round questions for the win!

Then Atlanta Mike delivers a very smooth outro, making our intrepid hosts look bad overall.


00:00:14 – Lounge Talk
00:53:22 – Kickstarter Threeway
02:15:00 – Questions & Dr. Loxleys Speed Round
02:34:35 – Outro