Gamers Lounge


Gamers Lounge Ep 136 – Drowned Earth

by on Apr.24, 2017, under Announcements & News, Games, Interviews, Podcast

Gamers Lounge Ep 136 – Drowned Earth

Bill jumps on the microphone with James of the Drowned Earth Miniature Game kickstarter. Listen to Bill and James explore the Kickstarter experience, and more importantly the game.

Check out the games on kickstarter and their web page:


00:00:14 – Intro
00:03:32 – Drowned Earth

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Gamers Lounge Ep 134 – WWX back with Warcradle Studios

by on Dec.30, 2016, under Announcements & News, Games, Wild West Exodous

Gamers Lounge Ep 134 – WWX back with Warcradle Studios

Episode 134 is a revisit to the game Wild West Exodus. WWX has changed owners and is now being maintained and developed by Warcradle Studios. This episode Bill talks with Stuart from Warcradle Studios about WWX and it’s future.


00:00:04 – Bill’s Intro
00:03:57 – WWX with Warcradle Studios

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Gamers Lounge Ep 133 – Dark Souls the Board Game

by on Dec.21, 2016, under Dark Souls boardgame, Games, Interviews, Podcast

Gamers Lounge Ep 133 – Dark Souls the Board Game

Episode 133 is brought to you by two Alex’s. Alex the first joins me for a discussion of our joint trip to Steamcon UK 2016. At Steamcon we had a chance to play in a full-game playthrough of Dark Souls the board game. We discuss that experience and our thoughts on the game.

Alex the Second, Alex Hall of Dark Souls developer fame, joins me for the second half of the episode. We talk about Dark Souls the video game, the inspiration for the board game, and the board game itself. We cover the design, areas we both are excited over, and the kickstarter.


00:08:14 – Bill’s Intro
00:05:45 – Steamcon & Dark Souls boardgame thoughts
01:06:00 – Dark Souls with the Developer
02:31:00 – Outro

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Gamers Lounge Ep 132 – Star Wars: Rebellion

by on Dec.02, 2016, under Games, Podcast

Gamers-Lounge-logo-LGGamers Lounge Ep 132 – Star Wars: Rebellion

Episode 132 has arrived with a new game review. This episode starts off with Josh and Bill performing a customary Lounge Talk. That Lounge Talk jumps directly into the game review, without passing Go and without collecting $200.

We review the board game Star Wars: Rebellion. We go through the mechanics of the game, how it plays, and then talk a bit about our most recent play through.


00:00:14 – Bill Intro
00:02:32 – Lounge Talk
00:42:27 – Review: Star Wars Rebellion
02:08:51 – Outro

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Gamers Lounge Ep 131 – Organizing and Preparing

by on Nov.18, 2016, under Games, Guild Ball, Podcast, The Hobby, Tournaments

Gamers-Lounge-logo-LGGamers Lounge Ep 131 – Organizing and Preparing

Episode 131 is here with the traditional Lounge Talk. Bill and Josh gab on about what they’ve been playing lately and generally catch up from the last couple weeks.

Segment one jumps in with a chat about Organizers. We discuss the use of board game organizers, some companies to get those organizers from, and how they compare with Mini-wargaming organizers.

Then, surprising for such a short episode, we have a second segment. Josh and Bill dig into some ideas around how Bill should prep for the Guild Ball world championship. Some of the advice is complete tripe, while others are not too bad at all.


00:00:14 – Bill Intro
00:02:47 – Lounge Talk
00:32:16 – Organizers
00:57:47 – Guild Ball Tourney Prep
01:19:00 – Outro

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