Gamers Lounge

Gamers Lounge Ep 125- Guild Ball Tournaments

by on May.27, 2016, under Games, Guild Ball, Mobile Recording, Podcast, The Hobby, Tournaments

Gamers-Lounge-logo-LGGamers Lounge Ep 125- Guild Ball Tournaments

Episode 125 arrives with some last minute recording to pad out the show. We open with the traditional Lounge Talk where Spencer and Bill cover the happenings over the past couple weeks. Bill runs a question past Spencer that then gets covered again in it’s own segment later in the show.

Segment 2 is a Gamers Lounge on the road segment. Dixon and Bill are returning from a Guild Ball tournament and spend a solid amount of time discussing how the event went. Please excuse the road noise but enjoy the GPS!

A short Twitter questions follows. Have no fear, even with only a short time to respond Dr. Loxley comes through with a Loxley Speed Round.

The final segment of the show is another short Mobile recording between Dixon and Bill. I’ll call this the “Play Down” discussion, as we talk about how odd-numbered tournament pairings should work.


00:00:14 – Lounge Talk
00:32:06 – Guild Ball Tournament Road Recording
01:45:31 – Twitter Questions & Loxleys Speed Round
02:00:04 – “Play Down” mobile recording