Gamers Lounge

Gamers Lounge Ep 75 – Prerecorded for her pleasure

by on Mar.29, 2013, under Podcast, The Hobby

Gamers-Lounge-logoGamers Lounge Ep 75 – Prerecorded for her pleasure

Episode 75 is prerecorded for her pleasure. As mentioned at the end of episode 74, we rolled right into recording episode 75 and scheduled it for a later release to keep up with our 2 week release schedule. It’s alays good to have some Gmers Loung to listen to!

We open with our review of an Infinity Demo game that Dan ran Bill and Mike through. It’s an interesting discussion of the game overall. Rapid Fire 11 follows up the Infinity review, where we lead in with Facebook rapid fire questions. This segment is followed by another segment, the M&SU Bar where we play some Malifaux Guessing Games. In a show chock full of segments, we then follow up the M&SU Bar with a Business Man’s Malifaux, reviewing Bill’s latest crew selection for Atlanta.

Then we jump into the Outro. If your interested in some of the outtake from the end of our Infinity demo game, we added it onto the end of the show, after the closing music.


Content at:
00:00:07 – Infinity Game Demo review
00:43:00 -Rapid Fire 11
00:54:24 – M&SU Bar: Malifaux Guessing Game
01:10:12 – Business Mans’s Malifaux: Misaki
01:18:09 – Outro
01:29:34 – Infinity Demo Recording (~10 minutes)