Gamers Lounge

Gamers Lounge Ep 110 – Proxy your Alpha Gamer

by on Jul.06, 2015, under Community, Podcast, The Hobby

Gamers-Lounge-logo-LG Gamers Lounge Ep 110 – Proxy your Alpha Gamer

Gamers Lounge 110 comes sneaking into the feed, late and embarrassed but is going to act like it showed up on time. Bill opens with the obligatory introduction before turning the show over to it’s normal flow.

The first segment has Bill and John joined by local gamer and friend Dan. Dan gives a bit of his background then the three jump into a discussion about proxying. Specifically we talk about proxying in non-GW games, and skirmish and character driven games.

Our second segment is a discussion of that lovely chap who tends to introduce you to new games, the Alpha Gamer in your group. We define an alpha gamer and then talk a bit about the whole concept.


00:00:15 – Opening
00:02:18 – Proxy models in non-Gw games
01:08:39 – Alpha Gamers
01:53:03 – Outro