Gamers Lounge

Gamers Lounge ep. 103 – Shadows of Brimstone

by on Feb.10, 2015, under Community, Games, Podcast, Shadows of Brimstone, The Hobby

Gamers-Lounge-logo-LG Gamers Lounge ep. 103 – Shadows of Brimstone

Gamers Lounge Episode 103 is here, a little late but with lots (nearly 3 hours) of content. After Bill provides an opening and some shameless plugs to blogs and podcasts, we move onto the show itself.

Following the hour long initial segment we return with Bill, John, and Kevin reviewing Shadows of Brimstone. We dig into the game, compare it to Myth, and give our thoughts on how it plays overall.

Clocking in close to 3 hours, Bill leaves off on an Outro this time and jumps right to the closing music.


00:00:15 – Opening, Shameless Plugs
00:10:23 – Listener Questions, Building Strong Groups
01:16:04 – Shadows of Brimstone – Review and Game Report